Truth Matters

In this last month of preparation before the launch of Truth Matters, I’m experiencing many emotions: excitement and dread, peace and anxiety, assurance and apprehension, confidence and insecurity, courage and fear. Ugh! How do these feelings go together?

The emotions stemming from security in Christ reflect His power and His presence at work in me. But the negative emotions originate in my flesh. They’re explained in one word: self. Self gets in the way. Self is easily deceived. Self stinks! 

The goal for every believer is less self: less striving and surviving, and more thriving and conquering through our union with Christ. This connection with Him is everything! It’s the truth that matters.

Our union with Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan found throughout the pages of Scripture. It is not a bonus gift to His people; it is THE gift. Why do we hear so little about it, and why do we so easily dismiss this powerful connection?

Our union with Jesus is more than a concept to be understood; it’s a reality to be lived out! Jesus explains, “Apart from Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). This implies that with Him, we can do much!

I will fight the usual trepidations that come with attempting a feat like this launch, but the truth of the matter is, He holds every detail firmly in His grip. And His divine power is in me! I shall not fear. 

Please join us for Truth Matters, a curriculum for women who are ready to defeat deception. The kickoff takes place on June 6, 9 AM, at Harbour Shores Church, 8011 East 216th Street, Cicero, Indiana. 

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