One of the new Christmas decor items I purchased on sale last year was damaged when I pulled it out of the box. The clay portion of the bottom was broken into several pieces. I super-glued it back together, discovering that one piece was still missing. As we were cleaning up after hours of unpacking and decorating, I found the missing piece! I was so happy. I grabbed the glue and began the careful surgery once more, though apparently I wasn’t careful enough! I pressed my thumb down on the piece to secure it, and when I lifted up my hand, the clay piece came with me!
I had super-glued the clay to the end of my thumb. It was utterly sealed it to my skin! I yelled for Patrick, and he began researching what to do. One person suggested nail polish remover, so we started there. Nope. Another suggestion was paint thinner. I soaked my thumb and its clay compadre for thirty minutes. Slowly, it began to loosen. Finally, the piece came off, leaving a remnant of gray clay in its place for me to sport around for a few days. That’s fine! I was perfectly content to have at least lost my new appendage!
While I was soaking in paint thinner I told my family, “There’s a spiritual lesson in this.” They all laughed at me since this is my usual response to most situations, but it’s true! So here goes…
Sometimes we believe we are doing the right thing. We grab our glue and our well-meaning intentions, and we work diligently to fix a problem. We believe we are doing our part, the Lord’s work even. We assume we are operating in a healthy place as we measure and paste. But if our labor is done in our own strength, we are sorely misguided. The problem we set out to repair becomes a bigger problem, because our work is ineffectual. We are susceptible to the broken pieces of the problem permanently attaching themselves to us.
I have seen this in my life. I have entered scenarios in full-blown savior mode, ineffectually striving to move mountains in my own power. Instead of the issue disappearing, it sticks to me permanently! As a believer, this need not be the case. To be in union with Christ is to rest in His effectual work. Only He cleanses. Only He heals. Only He delivers. Only He saves. Christ alone is Savior.
I am typing these words with a gray-tipped thumb; the “scar” from my glue adventure remains. I bear many such scars from moments when I wasn’t careful. But by His grace, I now view them as reminders of my spiritual education. I am growing stronger every day in the reality that I am not in charge. I do not need to be the savior. There is only One who can solve my sticky scenarios. Christ Jesus is my Paint Thinner.
Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in him, and he will act. (Psalm 37:5)
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