This Covid Reality

I have not entertained the idea of writing about the COVID-19 disaster until now, but as I recover from my second round of it, I feel it deserves some decent reflection. We’ve all watched as the entire world has responded to this pandemic. The fear that began in each heart soon turned to frustration and division for many. People have expressed blame, anger, even hate. Division is rampant, even amongst close family members, concerning governmental methods or opposing views on the vaccine. Most of us have also known the sorrow of losing someone. At the minimum, plans have been interrupted and dreams have died.

Covid is no small blot on history’s calendar. We will undoubtedly tell of its horrors to the generations to come. I recently joked with a friend, “I hope when we’re in a nursing home together that we are saying ‘Do you remember Covid?’ and not, ‘Birtha next door has Covid!’” Who knows how long this will last, how it will continue to shift, and how its effects will play out over the years? These thoughts probably provoke in you an opinion to share or a joke of your own. 

My grandest thought about it all can be summed up in two words: He knew. 

Does any believer who understands the sovereignty of God doubt that He knew this was coming? Dare we argue that He ordained this? If God is indeed who He says He is, then we must admit that this was allowed by His almighty hand. And therefore, we must conclude that it perfectly fits into His perfect plan for His people. So! The last step in my reflection on this Covid reality is to trustingly voice this simple prayer:  I am thankful to You, Father, for how You will use Covid in my life.

Have you thanked Him yet? Paul says to “give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:18) and James tells us to “count it all joy” (James 1:2) when we endure trials. There is a steadfastness being produced in us as we submit to God’s sovereign rule and choose thankfulness, especially in the throes of disaster. 

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