We just debuted a new worship song for Harbour Shores Church. The song, based on the book of James, is called “I Am Content with Your Choice.” Patrick and I usually write a theme song for each sermon series. We weren’t able to produce one for the previous series in Revelation because we were too swallowed up by life, moving constantly back and forth between survival mode and recovery mode—all while trying to be content with the Lord’s choices! Truly, this last year has been filled with intense situations.
It began with a drastic change in my schedule while supporting my parents. We moved them into assisted living, established them in their new apartment, and emptied their home. The Lord grew us in contentment as He proved His faithfulness.
Then we lost Patrick’s brother William to cancer. This is a loss we will never stop feeling. However, we are thankful for the unexpected time God gave us with him after bringing him through a devastating reaction to immunotherapy. The Lord grew us in contentment as He proved His goodness.
And now my brother is hospitalized due to his immunotherapy treatments. Joel is fighting for his life against a second round of cancer. The Lord is growing us in contentment as He proves His sovereign control.
This year we have done all we could to maintain our work schedules, keep ourselves financially afloat, meet the daily needs of our teenage daughters, support my parents in their transition, and encourage Patrick’s mother through the darkest days of her life. The Lord has grown us in contentment as He has proven His mercy. And when discontentment has reared its ugly head, those moments have been covered in grace as well.
Consider it all joy, my brothers and sisters, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. (James 1:2-4)
James asks us to view our trials through the lens of joy, for they produce endurance in us. They are for our good! As we trust Christ in every trying circumstance, our faith and contentment grow. The result is our completion, a lack of nothing! When the next trial presents itself, may I confidently and immediately (and joyfully!) declare to the Lord, “I am content with Your choice.”
For Harbour Shores Church, based on the book of James (Portion Music © 2024)
To You, I come, O Father, I fall on bended knee
Remove my fear and doubting—I have Your Son in me
In calm or chaos lead me, with wisdom clothe me now
Let faith inspire service, put my hand to the plow
You are the God of all truth
You are the Lord of light
You are the Fount of wisdom
The Judge of all that’s right
So through rains of pain or springs of joy
I am content with Your choice
My heart may ask for wrong things, my tongue may boast in pride
Yet I am but a vapor and have so little time
Let me be quick to listen, let me be slow to speak
Your goodness is my portion, my strength when I am weak
You are the God of heaven
You are the Lord of love
You are the Fount of mercy
With good gifts from above
So through rains of pain or springs of joy
I am content with Your choice
You are the God of his’try
You are the Lord of now
You are the Fount of future
To You alone I bow
So through rains of pain or springs of joy
I am content with Your choice
Through ev’ry trial perfect me, embolden me with faith
Whatever lies before me, I’ll offer You my praise
Oh be my heart’s devotion, receive this prayer I voice
What You ordain for me, Lord, I am content with Your choice
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